Saturday 21 May 2011

I believe in the number Pi

I watched a movie once, I think the title is the oxford murders, where this guy stands up to a lecturer and begins a speech with "I believe in the number phi." but then he gets shut down horribly by his professor...anyhu i was just thinking and wondering how much i agreed with the student, I mean all he did was to affirm his believe in an absolute truth, that phi spoke as a metaphor of the invisible hand controlling nature and responsible for the recurring patterns as we see...basically things don't happen randomly but are simple terms facts don't just state facts but illustrate principles.
And if you are wondering about the number phi, it is also known as the golden section of the Fibonacci series and is an irrational constant and has been found in many fields and applications where proportion of some sort is required to maintain a enjoy

Metaphors in all we speak
Most chaotic and ephemeral of events led to the most mellifluous and gradual
I look for meanings in all things bleak
knowing that they're there be it residual
that every key off-chord
contributes not to a universal tune of discord
that nothing is inconsequential
and every moment essential
to the plans of a master architect
A watchman, a prefect
quite the perfecter
in whatever his prefecture
and though we stand with scripted destinies
we each accountable for his liabilities
and though we understand not perfection
in his chosen direction
we stand knowing that he is justified
and soon to be glorified
and so why phi?
Funny, when phi answers our 'why'
most things math and science require a phi and not a pi
a number of complicated definition
occurring in many a situation
a symbol of universal causality
that a butterfly flaps here
a hurricane occurs there
causing casualty
that events no matter how unrelated
fit a sequence fated
and definitely complicated
so you ask why?
To know that for every truth there's a lie
and my life is in a hand greater than I
So here goes nothing I believe in the number phi!!!!

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