Tuesday 27 September 2011

an oldie but goodie

Dear buffer,
Another letter, they seem to be becoming quite the habit. It’s been great. It’s been fun. It’s been just plain dramatic. I mean I have enjoyed it all the while it lasted, but I am frustrated.

I like you yet I can’t do anything about it. Some days you like me, and my world just seems to revolve around it, others you’re hot then you’re cold and that leaves me less bold. I must admit I have thought of us growing old, but I’m not sure our story gets that far told. I mean I can’t even see past the horizon of tomorrow where the sunsets on this chapter, and much seems to be pointing to a never ever after.

Yet in my heart of hearts, there’s hope against all hope, and while I’m thinking that’s dope, I realise I can’t really cope. I don’t even know what I am writing anymore, I guess I just miss you and it’s all that has to be said, how true.

I guess I can only list the things I’ll miss the most: the furtive wink, o thou single eyed blink, the 2 minute stare we share, and the envious glare all else bear..... So yeah..... *sigh*

I’m not going to call anymore, don’t expect a knock on your door but I wish you better years, ones absent of any fears and salty tears.

Again, was never really yours,
Boo boo.

I'm not a poet

I’m not a poet but my pen and I, we form the perfect duet, running riot as my emotions sets us into motion painting pictures of blissful memory, harmony, pain and catastrophe. We move in sync as we mimic the copulating ritual of two bodies bound for life expressing thoughts and ideas that would otherwise remain potential... and this is essential really because I need to express what I feel truly.

I’m not a poet, just a keen observer, a lost sojourner, and a student of life, love and lust, just another man from the dust piecing together patterns of the human experience at a pricey expense. A lost soul, a rebel absent of cause and a prisoner of time tossed through sand, clay and lime further hardened by the furnace of time, realizing that sometimes the fallacy is just the truth that we cannot see.

So... I’m not a poet... just another man who thanks God for spell check and prays often that the teller doesn’t bounce the cheque, probably one plagued with many questions often seeking directions, well aware of his imperfections wishing he was the ladies’ number one selection... but no... So ... He wonders if he could have all he wanted really, all that he longed for deeply,” would I still just be... awesome me?”

Well you guessed it... I’m not a poet just another man who can’t figure the wrong from the right and finds it hard to strictly follow the one true light, so he hugs his pen ever so tight as he finds it hard to walk the fine line while he is surrounded by patches of grey and has to face each day with its dismay as they come as they may...so I seek the wisdom in words, find the beauty in all the worlds hoping they give a clue as to what to do and some days they just do... and when I’m left blue I take delight in knowing the future is bright, pick my pen and start to write at the creative impulse from the flow of the divine that comes out of this pen of mine, well knowing  that this mosaic of ups and downs is a picture of unfathomable beauty orchestrated solely by destiny.

And if you haven’t figured it out really... I’m not a poet just a guy that needs to express himself freely.

Monday 8 August 2011

Carpe Diem

Seize the moment
None other than you are the proponent
Of your own intent
Lest you be your own opponent
And thus be found despondent

Seize the hour
Let it not turn sour
Or be left in the stupor of dour
When from the challenge you doth cower

Seize the day
While you yet may
And hesitate not, neither sway
For again you just might be in dismay
When you let go and watch your dreams dead as they lay

Monday 18 July 2011

Dirge to Love

Dear Buffer,


Never thought I'd be  back here again, at the cross-roads, torn between fight and flight. My better judgment says to the right, but my feet turn to the left. It’s just hard to choose and you don’t make the decision any easier. But I am afraid to lose, and now my vision is getting foggier.

I hate this; I hate this whole being a man thing where I have to be responsible for myself kind of thing, cause when I trip and fall, I feel just as much as anyone else, but decisions have to be made and each
consequence dealt with.

So I’m back here again, at this point I know so well, it’s déjà vu, and nothing has changed in the view. Funny, I have a keepsake of those yesteryears, times of pain, sorrow and many tears. So, as I turn to flee, I hope to God my feet don’t fail me, because weighing the options leave me with no option, no choice, just a singular voice, one that has never failed me and Oh God don’t let it derail me.

Because the thoughts of that year leave me trepid and in fear, times when I was left in the loom of gloom, a man jaded whose happiness had just faded and the pain in my chest left me unable to rest, when I opened my mouth to cry, I realized all, breath and tears had forsaken me; being barely able to sigh. Days when the longing for the warmth of another were replaced by a need for a pat from any other and you stand here asking me to choose, calling me a quitter when you’re the one who has got nothing to lose!!!

But I don’t blame you, it’s true, you’re just a gal singing “skip to my luu” , and I’m just a guy with a year’s more experience than you. So we’re not going to stick together like glue and with all my ego I still don’t know how to let go, so, before we go one last round on this not so merry go round of turning tables, of ‘I said this’ and ‘you said that’ and many countless fables and misconstrued tales just know I’m running with between my legs a tail; coward, a sentiment you’ve always felt me-ward.

But with each footstep forward trotting, my heart is in an opposite direction jogging, and though we’re distance apart, yet in thought, we’re suffocating tight, because you call and then we talk from day to dawn, and when I wake with an early morning yawn, it’s you that my mind is on. So damn it, you’re making it hard for me to move on, I guess I’m just waiting till you’re long gone, when your sweet scent no longer forces a sentiment and the vision of your smile no longer makes it worth-while all the while.

Know I’ll be missing you more, even “forever and a day more”.

Never really yours,

Boo boo.

Friday 1 July 2011

I am no superman

Finally something worth reading came out....so feel free to waste five minutes on it..lol..this is fun...and has nothing so what to do with me...again remember..

I am no superman...
I’m not the light at the end of the tunnel
Nor an emotional bag to pummel
I am not the fall on guy
On whom you can rely
Just another one who’s going to feed you too many a lie
I am really not a breath of fresh air
Or a place to lay yourself bare
Matter of fact, I’ll say anything you want to hear
Then later cause you to tear
So you want me to be honest with you
Well then everything you heard is true
I’ m a swirling black hole of chaos
A fall into an abyss, too long continuous
One mindless blur
A trap to ensnare
The next temptation to err
And if you ever think I’m a pit-stop
Move on to the next rest stop
I’m none but a gloomy tavern
Along this road, trounced upon by many a maiden
Serving up nothing but the usual cold drinks of sorrows and salty tears
Wasting away your better years
So if you’re looking for the wind in my cape
No, no, baby, try to escape
But these words will do you no good
Probably because you’re just thinking I’m a really cool dude
So even when I scream out
I am no superman
You won’t hear me out
And fall in love with this mere human.

Saturday 21 May 2011

I believe in the number Pi

I watched a movie once, I think the title is the oxford murders, where this guy stands up to a lecturer and begins a speech with "I believe in the number phi." but then he gets shut down horribly by his professor...anyhu i was just thinking and wondering how much i agreed with the student, I mean all he did was to affirm his believe in an absolute truth, that phi spoke as a metaphor of the invisible hand controlling nature and responsible for the recurring patterns as we see...basically things don't happen randomly but are defined....in simple terms facts don't just state facts but illustrate principles.
And if you are wondering about the number phi, it is also known as the golden section of the Fibonacci series and is an irrational constant and has been found in many fields and applications where proportion of some sort is required to maintain a balance.....so enjoy

Metaphors in all we speak
Most chaotic and ephemeral of events led to the most mellifluous and gradual
I look for meanings in all things bleak
knowing that they're there be it residual
that every key off-chord
contributes not to a universal tune of discord
that nothing is inconsequential
and every moment essential
to the plans of a master architect
A watchman, a prefect
quite the perfecter
in whatever his prefecture
and though we stand with scripted destinies
we each accountable for his liabilities
and though we understand not perfection
in his chosen direction
we stand knowing that he is justified
and soon to be glorified
and so why phi?
Funny, when phi answers our 'why'
most things math and science require a phi and not a pi
a number of complicated definition
occurring in many a situation
a symbol of universal causality
that a butterfly flaps here
a hurricane occurs there
causing casualty
that events no matter how unrelated
fit a sequence fated
and definitely complicated
so you ask why?
To know that for every truth there's a lie
and my life is in a hand greater than I
So here goes nothing I believe in the number phi!!!!

Friday 20 May 2011

While I am alive.

Woke from a dream,
where I stood by a stream
where the sun turned dull
and its heat lull,
and everything big and small
none but appall'.
Where nature's beauty
left as I felt sleepy,
and this dream took over,
so i stood sober
well shaken
realising everything was taken
wondering 'why?'
I never took a breather just to sigh
to take a pause
just to repose.
So i woke this morning
not in mourning,
but in appreciation
for the current situation,
happy for the sting
that the sun does bring
knowing all is a God-given chance
to take a stance
for one last glance
to know what i'll be missing
when everything is gone missing
to live 
and let live
and let be
and to set free
that i might be
somewhat, somehow hopefully
set free
to be
never in misery
So here I stand cheerfully
knowing definitely
that i must live and live fully
like each day is the first
of the rest
So I woke this morning
not in mourning
but in appreciation
for the current situation
that now i must realize 
and recognize
the truth from the lies
and to synchronize 
and sensitize
in acquiescence 
my very essence
to get a clearer sense
of the truth that I must live
not in hatred  and in regret but in love
all the while I am alive.