Saturday 21 May 2011

I believe in the number Pi

I watched a movie once, I think the title is the oxford murders, where this guy stands up to a lecturer and begins a speech with "I believe in the number phi." but then he gets shut down horribly by his professor...anyhu i was just thinking and wondering how much i agreed with the student, I mean all he did was to affirm his believe in an absolute truth, that phi spoke as a metaphor of the invisible hand controlling nature and responsible for the recurring patterns as we see...basically things don't happen randomly but are simple terms facts don't just state facts but illustrate principles.
And if you are wondering about the number phi, it is also known as the golden section of the Fibonacci series and is an irrational constant and has been found in many fields and applications where proportion of some sort is required to maintain a enjoy

Metaphors in all we speak
Most chaotic and ephemeral of events led to the most mellifluous and gradual
I look for meanings in all things bleak
knowing that they're there be it residual
that every key off-chord
contributes not to a universal tune of discord
that nothing is inconsequential
and every moment essential
to the plans of a master architect
A watchman, a prefect
quite the perfecter
in whatever his prefecture
and though we stand with scripted destinies
we each accountable for his liabilities
and though we understand not perfection
in his chosen direction
we stand knowing that he is justified
and soon to be glorified
and so why phi?
Funny, when phi answers our 'why'
most things math and science require a phi and not a pi
a number of complicated definition
occurring in many a situation
a symbol of universal causality
that a butterfly flaps here
a hurricane occurs there
causing casualty
that events no matter how unrelated
fit a sequence fated
and definitely complicated
so you ask why?
To know that for every truth there's a lie
and my life is in a hand greater than I
So here goes nothing I believe in the number phi!!!!

Friday 20 May 2011

While I am alive.

Woke from a dream,
where I stood by a stream
where the sun turned dull
and its heat lull,
and everything big and small
none but appall'.
Where nature's beauty
left as I felt sleepy,
and this dream took over,
so i stood sober
well shaken
realising everything was taken
wondering 'why?'
I never took a breather just to sigh
to take a pause
just to repose.
So i woke this morning
not in mourning,
but in appreciation
for the current situation,
happy for the sting
that the sun does bring
knowing all is a God-given chance
to take a stance
for one last glance
to know what i'll be missing
when everything is gone missing
to live 
and let live
and let be
and to set free
that i might be
somewhat, somehow hopefully
set free
to be
never in misery
So here I stand cheerfully
knowing definitely
that i must live and live fully
like each day is the first
of the rest
So I woke this morning
not in mourning
but in appreciation
for the current situation
that now i must realize 
and recognize
the truth from the lies
and to synchronize 
and sensitize
in acquiescence 
my very essence
to get a clearer sense
of the truth that I must live
not in hatred  and in regret but in love
all the while I am alive.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Know Thy Self..

Know Thy self.....
The Ancient Greek aphorism "Know thyself", was inscribed in the ‘pronaos’ (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi - according to the Greek ‘periegetic, (travelogue) writer Pausanias.
The maxim, or aphorism, 'Know Thyself' has had a variety of meanings attributed to it in literature. The Suda, a 10th Century encyclopedia of Greek Knowledge, says: "the proverb is applied to those whose boasts exceed what they are," and that "know thyself" is a warning to pay no attention to the opinion of the multitude.
An opinion shared by proponents of the Christian faith, with Paul saying, “For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think. But set your mind to be right-minded, even as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.”(Romans 12:3)
While deliberating on the above aphorism and its many uses and application through both history and literature, I was afforded the opportunity for an introspection of life in retrospect and this piece came up. Many of us sail through without ever pausing to realize what changes and transformations have taken place, we move and live on unaware of the minor transformations that have major implications on our life.
Knowing yourself is the tool necessary to locate you on your road map of self-allotted space-time coordinates in your plan and purpose of life. Knowing where you currently stand enables you to determine the work that needs to be done to achieve where you want to be. Though the criteria for the aphorism’s many a reechoing in history have differed the purpose has been singular, and it is to know where you stand. In biblical significance, Paul speaks of being able to judge yourself soberly or accurately by being able to judge the measure of faith given you, it’s interesting to note that he speaks about this before expatiating on the purpose of individuals in the corporate body of Christ, that we all being different have each a unique role to play and our ability to determine our function is in knowing our gifts and the measure of faith given us, again the reecho of knowing yourself. To be able to function properly we all ought to judge ourselves soberly and to determine who we are accurately. Without pausing to take a breather or a look back we risk becoming someone we never intended to be.
For man to know himself is for him to feel that for him there is no human master. For him Nature is his servant, and whatsoever he wills in Nature, that shall be his reward. If he wills to be a pigmy, a serf or a slave, that shall he be. If he wills to be a real man in possession of the things common to man, then he shall be his own sovereign. When man fails to grasp his authority he sinks to the level of the lower animals, and whatsoever the real man bids him do, even as if it were of the lower animals, that much shall he do.”- Marcus Garvey (Know Thy Self)
The piece below depicts the imagery of a man overtaken by the tides of events and unable to recognize who he is and no longer able to determine what he stands for….enjoy.
Man in the mirror
Once in the mirror I looked
A vision I beheld
A man who stood five foot of bliss
As though no goal he’d miss
Untainted by what was soon to be the progression of time
Now a sketch pad of marks etched on by no other villain than time
Each wrinkle behind, a story did conceal
And every line a lesson did reveal
As I stared, eyes did stare back
Now its former intensity does it lack
A stare full of purpose once did it resonate
And through his very core did it once reverberate
Now I see eyes lacking any purpose
And a demeanour of zest-less compose
Once a vision of arms that knew no toil
Now a vision of hands ranked with those of evil soil
I knew him who stood before me
Or I thought I did momentarily
For he looked familiar
And to say I was not deceived would make me a liar
For though the same he did seem in stature
Yet in essence he did differ
For his scars spoke of the terrors he once did suffer
Neither a glare nor a blank stare I beheld
But one throbbing from the singular question it held:
“If we’re the sum of our experiences then who have I become?”

Lesson Learnt

A touch of inexperience and ineptitude leaves your opinions one-sided and myopic  along with your expectations and anticipations but a little touch from the other side leaves you illuminated and aware, something we all need, awareness.
When you're aware of all the possibilities, your actions become more calculated and you're better responsible for you and your actions, and when things go wrong you respond better having made accounts and counted the cost...the pain doesn't surprise you. 
This lesson took time to learn but it was worthwhile, I mean we can't anticipate all the changes that are bound to happen up and along the road, very much like sitting in a roller-coaster blindfolded; an unending fluctuation of ups and downs, a metaphor for the vicissitudes of life; just a winding road of unanticipated changes. I have learnt that the best you can do on each ride is to resign yourself to enjoying it but I guess it's just a lot easier to enjoy when before stepping onto the ride you're well aware of the possibilities.
About two years ago, being as naive as I was I stepped onto a ride and the end result caught me unawares, shocked, wounded and damn near depressed, I learnt a valuable lesson that though love is sweet and blissful and my opinion was not all false, love also offers another flavour; one less likely to be spoken of. So I learnt and my journey to awareness began...
So I wrote a piece for how I hit my learning curve(where it all started), comical in its elements yet true of its feeling..aaaahhh just kidding this is for laughs enjoy.

Lesson Learnt.
Listening to Lemar
Has got me thinking about the one that got away
It’s funny how she left me with a scar
And now she’s a friend to stay.
I find funnier how songs can do that to you
And their words are so so true
They leave you all so blue
And stuck in your room to rue
It’s official I hate love songs!!!
And the emotions they stir along
Or am I just too sentimental?
Crapp!!!! This shit is driving me mental!!!
NO Lemar!!! There is not much justice in the world!!
So stop searching for any truth in a word.
No, I didn’t meet her first, it’s true
But what we felt was true
Though we had no clue
That we’d both end up feeling blue
One for a different reason than the other
All I wanted was to be her lover
But she just couldn’t leave the other.
Now I fear I may never feel the same for another.
This morning I caught cupid fly by
Trying to do a drive-by
I shot that son-of-a-bitch right out of the sky.
It was with his own arrow too
Just so he’d know how it feels to be a number 2.
That naked brat does not know the troubles he does incur
With those arrows that strong emotions do stir.
I guess he’s never tasted love
To know its bitter-sweet after taste
First you’re floating like a dove
And then bam!!! Next like a dried up date
And if you didn’t know, that’s a fruit
Please, don’t hate
Oh charley allow my horn to toot.
I guess it was sweet when first we did kiss
A moment sad to say I don’t really miss
In the beginning we both thought it was romantic,
Then got to frantic,
Then things that are normally small become gigantic
And we find ourselves sinking like the titanic
True, I stole those words from Talib Kweli
But guess what?? He ain’t no Mohammed Ali.
You see it’s sweet in the beginning and then bitter
When her words finally leave you slapped sober,
Or she dies and leaves you, both ways it’s over.
Every gain with its loss, and every silver with its dross
Love comes and goes
But it’s bitter-sweet when it does.
Lesson learnt.

Saturday 7 May 2011

bugging me

Not been writing these days, just basically for the lack of inspiration of any sort...I guess something just has to give before I can give. Well... just lying in bed plagued with thoughts concerning recent events unable to ignore a particular series of questions that have and keep troubling my mind and have constantly done so in ages past... I guess I’m just built that way*chuckle*
I am constantly plagued with the need to question everything I come across and resolve and derive some sort of logical explanation for things others just skim over or just don’t notice. Yet ironically the question that boggles my mind is the inability of those in the faith to question anything at all? No hunger for knowledge, none at all? We’re all apathetic in the faith no desire for a greater understanding in the things of God, we’re happy to walk around in our day to day lives knowing that we have read through most parts of the  of the Bible and yet a greater percent of what we have read we do not understand. We have no questions for the somewhat seemingly controversial sections of the written code of our faith for fear that such questions will shipwreck us, not realising the potential  that the answers to such questions hold in drawing us nearer to our creator also, yet the thought of being found heretic or blasphemous scares us ignorant. Actually, we don’t realise that all who in the past and biblical ages, who held a greater depth of the knowledge of the TRUTH, were found blasphemous. Our saviour himself, being the TRUTH was found blasphemous by the scholars of the day. Halt!!!! WARNING!!!! This is not reason to feed our ego’s hunger for delusions of grandeur especially when we have been found in the wrong or as one propagating a false doctrine or deceptive ‘revelation’ and label ourselves as being ‘persecuted’ but an attempt to throw light on our lack of a ‘Berean’ mindset. We are so scared to search the scriptures out for ourselves that we leave it to the ‘Uber –christians’ who are as much liable to error as we are.
Heb 5:12 MKJV  For indeed because of the time, you ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again what are the first principles of the oracles of God. And you have become in need of milk, and not of solid food.

The author of Hebrews wrote this concerning the constant need of his audience for someone to teach them time and again the elementary truths concerning Christ and the oracles (prophecies or just plain Word) of God. For that reason he took his time to expatiate on several themes concerning the various prophecies about the Christ, he had no problem doing this but his problem was the fact that after all the time they had spent in Christ they still needed teachers when they ought to be teachers. You see it is acceptable to see a baby crawling but when you see a grown adult man on all fours....there are questions left to be answered.
It is true that the secret things belong to God and therefore we can’t expect all our questions to be answered (Deu 29:29)but those written in the word are revealed and belong to us and God expects us to question, seek answers and meditate thereon, after all it is the glory of kings(Proverbs 25:2).
I guess it’s the effect of hectic lives, trying to make ends meet, meeting deadlines, survival has become of primary concern and we’ve relegated God to the backdrop. We’re so bent on making it in this world we can afford to live in ignorance of the truths or much more Truth of God’s word, ignoring the wise words of Paul , “Godly exercise holds value in this world and more.” And the more popular, “Seek first.....”  I don’t need to finish it we all know it.
And for those of us crying foul that we need someone to explain what we read, I believe John has a lot to say to that:
1Jn 2:20 ISV You have an anointing from the Holy One and know all things.

1Jn 2:27 ISV The anointing you received from him abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. Instead, because his anointing teaches you about everything and is true and not a lie, abide in him, as he taught you to do.

Funny, when Abraham sent his servant to look for a wife for his son Isaac and found Rebecca; a woman who had never laid eyes on her groom to be, I’m sure she had questions concerning Isaac on their way to meet him yet funny enough the bride of Christ has no questions to ask the Holy Spirit concerning Him on their way back to her very own wedding reception. This apathetic outlook on obtaining knowledge and understanding concerning the very oracles of God is largely due to the ignorance of its consequence. We don’t realise that the apostasy spoken of in the New Testament is largely due to ignorance and oh!! If you don’t know what I am talking of then you better check yourself....jk.
In the law of Moses the people of Israel were encouraged to eat of the animals that ‘dividedth the hoof and cheweth the curd.’ How does this apply in the New Testament, we find that in the epistle of Paul when he talks about dietary requirements of the law he forbade nothing except the eating of food offered to idols saying that they were offered to demons and the partaking thereof meant the partaking in the fellowship of demons just as the Lord’s supper meant to be as a symbol of the partaking of the fellowship and suffering of Christ just so this dietary law stated was intended to mean the partaking of a nature. A nature that rightly divides the word of truth; ‘dividedth the hoof’, and ‘cheweth the curd’- meditation, for after the ruminant feeds on the word of God and partly digests it, it then regurgitates the curd in its quiet place and time after the initial ingestion. God intended for us to take in his word and bring them up for meditation in our quiet moments by ourselves.
Psa 1:1-6 MKJV  Blessed is the man who has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, and has not stood in the way of sinners, and has not sat in the seat of the scornful.  (2)  But his delight is only in the Law of Jehovah; and in His Law he meditates day and night.  (3)  And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivulets of water that brings forth its fruit in its seasons, and its leaf shall not wither, and all which he does shall be blessed.  (4)  The wicked are not so, but are like chaff which the wind drives away.  (5)  Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.  (6)  For Jehovah knows the way of the righteous; but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Many of us have read the verse above and have never related it to the great falling away (and if you checked, you’re probs right it’s synonymous to apostasy). You might be asking yourself how does this relate to the apostasy of the end times, rather it provides a cure in verse 2 to prevent falling away from the truth, you see in verse 4 the prophet or rather psalmist talk about being blown away like chaff, a description much reminiscent of that used by Paul in:

 Eph 4:14 MKJV  so that we no longer may be infants, tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine, in the dishonesty of men, in cunning craftiness, to the wiles of deceit.

Here he speaks of the purpose of the ministerial gifts in facilitating our growth in unity and in the knowledge of God. We find that in verse 5 of the first psalm he talks about the congregation of the righteous (hint: Judgement day) for he says they are like chaff that the wind blows along, they are blown along by every wind of doctrine.
 Interesting enough when Old Testament Hebrews wanted to separate the wheat from its chaff they rubbed them on a board (named Tribulum latin origin for word tribulation) and tossed it into the air for the wind to separate the chaff. It seems as part of the wheat separating process God allows for the propagation of deceptions of all sorts in the times of tribulation or end times to separate the wheat from the chaff so we find Paul saying that in the last days knowledge shall abound and men will chase after deceptions to tickle their ears, we find the first statement of Jesus’ warnings to the apostles concerning the end times being ‘be careful that you are not deceived’. Ignorance therefore leaves our feet ungrounded and our foundations weak and exposed to storms and winds. So we find Peter saying as part of our first steps in the faith:

2Pe 1:5-6 MKJV  But also in this very thing, bringing in all diligence, filling out your faith with virtue, and with virtue, knowledge;  (6)  and with knowledge self-control, and with self-control, patience, and with patience, godliness,

And later on he goes on to say:

2Pe 1:8-10 MKJV  For if these things are in you and abound, they make you to be neither idle nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  (9)  For he in whom these things are not present is blind and cannot see afar off and has forgotten that he was purged from his sins in the past.  (10)  Therefore, brothers, rather be diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things, you shall never fall.

Three things to note (obviously the phrases underlined in the verses above), the first being: after you’ve done the steps outlined in verses 5-7, namely obtaining knowledge after you’ve become virtuous you will not be unfruitful, remind you of something?? If not let me explain, in the first psalm the psalmist likens the one who meditates on the word to a tree planted by the rivers of water which is fruitful in its season, meaning he bears fruit or as Peter puts it bearing fruit in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, meaning he becomes productive in the cause of God, he bears fruit of the work done in him, the fruit of the Spirit, the salvation of souls and a contribution to the progress of the kingdom, the end result is his ability to stand in the judgment and the congregation of the righteous and not falling, the second thing of note.
Now you’re probably wondering why is ‘calling and election sure’ underlined. Well because it that phrase easily ignored is of great importance because it was first used by our Master, “For many are called but few are chosen.” (Greek used for ‘chosen’ also means ‘elected’: ‘eklektos’ from which we get ‘ekklesias’ meaning the church)
The importance of the word will be explained probably later as God’s purpose in election is revealed and explained but not for this current space and time. So we find Peter says we have gone through a procedure of calling and election and we must do all we can to maintain its certainty and that is by adding knowledge to virtue.

The lesson for today: our ignorance threatens our position and our grounding in Christ.

“Wisdom cries outside; she utters her voice in the streets.”